Monday, April 12, 2010


The questions that come from acquaintances and “friends” in the form of words- “Who do you WANT to become?” “Who do you expect to be?” sometimes leave me searching for a kind, appropriate, educational response to well-intentioned but magnificently ignorant queries.

Let’s discuss this- if I want “to become” someone, does that not imply that presently I am no one? If I “expect to be” someone other than myself, am I merely getting byline credit for seeking an ongoing acting job?”

As people observe from the outside, they see significant change in my manner, appearance and activities. On the other hand, all I feel directly is a slight course change aligning mind, body and spirit. The world looks the same to me as it always has only more clearly and sharply focused.

To my friends, after great consideration, my answer is “This is me, all me, only me and if you want to talk, I’m here.”

Questions from strangers come more in the form of glances askew. Non-verbalized inquiries are no less perceived nor prying than spoken words. Ohhhh… those looks, “Are you in the wrong restroom?” “Do you qualify to sit at the table next to me?” “What will I tell my friends if they see me with you?” “Is that your real hair?”

In order- “Yes, I can still stand when required.” “I didn’t see a name tag reserving this table for anyone; by the way, where is the reservation tag with YOUR name on it for the table at which you are sitting?” “Why do you have to tell anyone anything? Have you been retained to follow and report on my location and activities? And, if so, are you getting paid so well that I have to put you on my paparazzi-watch?” “Only my hairdresser knows for sure ;-)”

Typical Kimi answer- If I sit here and ignore that accidental glance or ignorant question long enough, I’m sure you are quite smart enough to figure it out on your own. Life really is way to short to spend endless moments attempting to figure anyone else’s mind.

I’ve lived a good life, luckier than many, less fortunate than some and have no regrets. The second half is just beginning; so on that note… let the ride continue. And if anyone wants to read along, stay tuned!

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