Monday, August 30, 2010

The One Nobody Knew

There is a person very near to me, so near in fact, she's been "there" all my conscious life. She's so real, the question was always more "Why is this not the person everyone else sees? Do they see no further than the cursory surface glance that takes only a careless passing second?"
There was no outward validation available because she kept very private, hidden to the vast world outside, meticulously covering any tracks that may have been made in recent excursions to 'the outside world.' A silently screaming thought was ever-present- "Why can't I just be me?"
But surely nobody else would understand, I mean really, becoming a woman after leading an apparently successful life as "that guy?" What would the neighbors think? What would friends think? And the family, no less! Would they still like me if they found out? Who's Kimi?
The scream persisted, outwardly reflecting as no more than a deafening whisper that no one else was hearing; at least they didn't seem to (or want to). Seismically advancing to a point of exploding, like a pent up volcano with no way else to contain the pressure, emotional magma advanced determinedly toward the surface.
There were simply no longer practical avenues to contain the massive pressure, and the choice was a 'plan to proceed' with a timed explosion of sorts, as opposed to an uncontrolled, un-aimed and potentially more devastating blast. 
Many questions had been previously asked, but the answers still begged to be revealed- if the same questions never received acceptable or understandable answers, might the questions themselves be wrong? Or might the answers simply be different than idealistically anticipated and be ignored?
If this is not the person everyone else sees, what could make them see? Visual aids are amazingly effective, when used kindly- hair getting MUCH longer; fingernails allowed to grow beyond the old "mechanic" length (and a splash of clear polish to shine in the eyes now and then :-)
And why live behind that closed door, that self-imposed barrier to freedom and peace? It feels good to step out into the sunshine and walk down the street, stepping confidently  into a restaurant, museum or clothing store...or for that matter, the local supermarket! Could this all be that simple?
Absolutely!!! (with a caveat) Simple does not necessarily mean easy, it just means there are not a lot of ingredients to the plan. There was one final, major, self-imposed hurdle to be overcome, the final haunting questions- will my friends still like me if they find out? And the neighbors? And the FAMILY?!
Let's address in order:
Neighbors?- Some have become friends and some never engaged beyond 'hello' at the mailbox- they're very likely wonderful people, but do I owe them my life? Hardly!
Friends- This is the easiest. Real friends have stayed loyal and true. Some acquaintances have stayed as well, even revealing themselves to be true friends! And some have gone.....
Family- Now that was scary! I have been a husband, a provider, a father, a son, a brother, a grandfather an uncle--- too many labels to digest easily. With any fortune they will all realize I have always loved them, cared for them, supported them, encouraged them and even written notes to the teachers when they were ill.
The question "What are we going to call you now?" has a simple answer- Kimi!

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